Why are Sealants Beneficial?

Grooves in teeth that are so narrow that a toothbrush cannot fit into the spaces to remove plaque present a cavity risk. Dental sealants prevent dental decay in these grooves.

What is a Sealant?

A dental sealant is a plastic coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the affected teeth. Teeth with restorations would not benefit from sealants. Sealants are recommended for children on permanent molars as soon as the teeth erupt (about ages 6 and 12 years). Sealants can provide 100% protection from dental decay or “cavities” on the chewing surface. Research has shown that when placed over very minimal dental decay, the damage may not progress

Sealants take only a few minutes to apply.

First, the teeth are cleaned, and the chewing surfaces are conditioned to help the sealant adhere to the tooth. The sealant is brushed onto the enamel surface, where it bonds directly to the tooth and hardens. We may use a curing light to solidify the surface quicker. We check the integrity of the sealants every time you have a checkup and reapply them if necessary.

How long do Sealants Last?

We warranty sealants for two years. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing as long as the patient avoids excessively sticky or hard foods. Sealants are not just for children. Adults can also be at risk for this type of decay and benefit from sealants as well.

Call our Marietta dentist office at 770-971-5119 for more information!