This month’s patient of the month is “Big Tooth.” This famous icon of the office has been here for over 35 years.

Big T

He is privileged to have many children scramble to have a picture taken in front of him. We take photos, put them on the smile board, and give them to the kids when they return for their next visit. Some parents have placed the pictures in their child’s’ baby books. Patients that once were young and had their children of their own, love that their children have a Big Tooth photo opportunity.

Although Big Tooth is almost 38 years old, he still looks like a young molar. That’s because he polishes himself very well twice a day. Stacey is always impressed by his appearance. Dr. Foster has found no cavities in all of Big Tooth’s 38 years. Now, that’s impressive. See more of Big Tooth’s outfit in the Gallery Photos.
What is YOUR favorite Big Tooth outfit?