Someone told me that if you write down three things you are grateful for each day, it will add at least six months to your life. Well, I’m not sure that is true, but being thankful is a way to bring positivity into your life.

It has been a tough six months. We were isolated from our social life and our loved ones by the pandemic. For me, this was a perfect time to reflect on my blessings. Thankful for the gift of life; some did not survive COVID-19.
Appreciate Life
A conscious habit of appreciating life is one of the keys. No one or nothing is perfect. Some days things happen that cause us to have a negative attitude. You are not a terrible person if you can’t see goodness on a bad day. Having an occasional pity party is okay, but it doesn’t aid your goal of a positive outlook. Consider the bigger picture, and look forward to a better day tomorrow.
Why Is Gratitude Important?
Positivity raises your happiness by 25%. Giving thanks lifts you up. Many people struggle to practice it because it is difficult to change the mood. As a result, many people move farther away from the light to the dark.
“If you concentrate on the things you have, you’ll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”
Lewis Howes
How to have a Gratitude Attitude

- Every day write three things for which you are grateful. Be consistent. Any behavior change takes 30 days before it becomes a habit.
- Express appreciation. Give compliments to everyone. Celebrate the joys of others as if they are your own. Tell people who have been helpful to your success how much they mean to you.
- Be in the moment. Celebrate the here and now and all the small successes. Be confident in today and worry less about the future.
- Be an active observer of your thoughts. Allow your mind to accept “it is what it is.”