Sleep Apnea can have severe and life-shortening consequences.  Some effects are high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, Diabetes, depression, and other ailments.

The signs and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas overlap, sometimes making the type of sleep apnea more challenging to determine. The most common signs and symptoms of obstructive and central sleep apneas include:

Loud snoring, is usually more prominent in obstructive sleep apnea
Episodes during sleep whereby you stop breathing as reported by another person
Suddenly waking followed by shortness of breath more likely indicate central         sleep apnea
Having a dry mouth or dry throat or mouth when you awaken
Morning headaches
Staying awake at night (insomnia)
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Problems with paying attention
Irritability with people or circumstances

Many people don’t think of snoring as a sign of something that could be serious, and not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience loud snoring, especially snoring that’s has isolated  periods of silence

Ask your doctor about any sleep problem that leaves you chronically fatigued, sleepy and irritable. Excessive daytime drowsiness (hypersomnia) may be due to sleep apnea or to other disorders, such as narcolepsy.

He or she will probably order a sleep study.  It may be that you could be able to wear a snore appliance.  Call today for details.