Cosmetic procedures have risen since the pandemic. Virtual meetings and high social media engagement levels, like Instagram, Facetime, and Zoom meetings, has correlated with body dissatisfaction. According to a study done by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc., the authors found an increase in cosmetic procedures since the country has opened up a bit.

Zoom may create body dissatisfaction

Zoom meetings could bring about a dissatisfaction with your smile.
Don’t like what your see? We can help.

Zoom displays an individual in an unfiltered way. This self-depiction is something that few people see daily,” according to the study. However, an increased time spent on camera, comparison of oneself, and slightly distorted images on Zoom can leave some users feeling uneasy at best. This may affect body dissatisfaction and the result of seeking cosmetic procedures for improvement.

What can you do about your Smile?

Many patients stated their appearance on Zoom or Facetime prompted them to seek cosmetic care. In addition, many of our patients have been asking about their dental flaws. Questions about whitening and reshaping their teeth are common. Others notice teeth that have a shadow or graying. Also, many have seen uneven teeth in their smile line. And, some have unwanted spaces.

We can help.

Although Zoom may heighten your attentiveness to your smile, we’re always here to provide you with excellent cosmetic dentistry services. We feel that everyone should be happy about their smile. There are many ways to make a pleasing appearance.

Our Cosmetic Services include:

Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers hide chips and discolorations of your teeth.

Cosmetic Bonding

Dental Bonding with Acrylic is less ex-pensive than porcelain veneers.

Tooth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a common upgrade for cosmetic appearance of your teeth.

Closing Spaces

Closing unwanted spaces is available through veneers or crowns

Implant Restorative Services

Look what can happen with a complete smile makeover.

Other Cosmetic services we provide are:

Take home preloaded whitening trays. Achieve pleasing results the first time you use them. If you want a brighter result, use it again. The best time to use these trays is the day after you have your teeth professionally cleaned. Keep in the refrigerator to extend shelf life and to use later for a touch-up.

Replacement fillings of graying teeth due to leaky silver fillings with white acrylic fillings or porcelain onlays.

Smile line reshaping

Reshape your smile with a veneer  to bring that recessed tooth into your smile line.

Minor orthodontic treatment

For Before and After Photos feel free to visit our website in the Smile Gallery located on the Gallery page at

We would love to discuss your desire your ideal smile with you. Call today to schedule your complimentary smile evaluation at